Refund & Cancellation

Refund & Cancellation Policy for Munshi Khan Foundation


At the Munshi Khan Foundation, we understand that plans change and unforeseen circumstances occur. Our refund and cancellation policy is designed to provide clarity and peace of mind to our supporters and participants. Whether you’ve made a donation or registered for one of our events, we’re here to help with any concerns or changes you might need to make.

Refund Policy for Donations

We are deeply grateful for every contribution made towards our cause. However, we recognize that sometimes a donor may need to request a refund. Here’s how we handle such requests:

  1. Request Period: Donors wishing to request a refund must do so within 30 days of making their donation. This allows us to ensure that funds have not already been allocated in a manner that would prevent their return.
  2. Process for Requesting a Refund:
    • Contact Us: Reach out to our team via email at Please provide your donation details, including the transaction date, amount, and the method used (credit card, bank transfer, etc.).
    • Reason for Refund: While not mandatory, we appreciate understanding the reason for the refund request. This helps us improve our donor experience and address any concerns that might arise.
    • Verification: Our team may require additional information or documentation to process your request. We aim to handle this step as swiftly and smoothly as possible.
  3. Processing Time: Refund requests are processed within 14 business days of receipt. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method used for the donation, unless otherwise requested and feasible.

Cancellation Policy for Events and Services

We strive to create engaging and impactful events for our community. If you’ve registered for an event but can no longer attend, here’s what you need to know:

  1. Cancellation Notice: To cancel your event registration and request a refund, please notify us at least 7 before the event date. This gives us the opportunity to adjust our planning and open your spot to other interested participants.
  2. How to Cancel:
    • Contact Information: Send your cancellation request to Please include your registration details and any payment information related to your booking.
    • Confirmation: We will acknowledge receipt of your cancellation request and provide you with information on the next steps.
  3. Refund Eligibility:
    • Full Refunds: Available if the cancellation notice is received within the specified notice period.
    • Partial Refunds or Credits: In some cases, we may offer a partial refund or credit towards future events if the cancellation is made close to the event date. The specifics will depend on the costs already incurred on behalf of the participant.
  4. Special Circumstances: We understand that life can present unexpected challenges. If you’re unable to attend an event due to circumstances beyond your control (e.g., illness, family emergency), please reach out to us. We’ll do our best to accommodate your situation with empathy and flexibility.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding our Refund & Cancellation Policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your interactions with the Munshi Khan Foundation are positive and fulfilling. We’re here to support you every step of the way.